Self learning  free videos

Never stop learning. Continue learning and practicing more art in your pace by subscribing  to our Youtube channel- SunRaj Arts to keep receiving self learning video tutorials on various art tips, tricks and techniques in your inbox.

Tips Tricks and Techniques in Mixed Media Art #1:
Texture Background Technique with Masking Tape

Tips Tricks and Techniques in Mixed Media Art #2
Masking Tape Lifting Technique (Part 1/2)

Tips Tricks and Techniques in Mixed Media Art #3:
Birch Trees using old credit card (Part 2/2)

Tips Tricks and Techniques in Mixed Media Art #4:
Three Christmas Projects for Beginners

Glue Crackle Technique for Beginners

How to make a painting with coloured tracing paper for BEGINNERS

Collage Technique for BEGINNERS

Acrylic Texture Background with Soap Technique for BEGINNERS

Spider Web using Resist Technique

Mandala With Scratch Art

How to revamp your old canvas in three steps

Rain Dance-Mixed Media Technique on Canvas

SunRaj Arts